With the support of faithful friends over the last 30 years, we have been able to sustain the good work we envisioned from our beginnings. Membership fees help to support the cost of our professionally edited  Journal / Newsletter, limited edition letterpress broadsides of William Stafford's poems, and occasional special events. Please consider becoming a Friend of William Stafford and Join Us as we continue to strengthen the impact of poetry on our culture, history and quality of life.

Individual Memberships are renewed annually and are for a single person.  Individual members receive regular editions of our Journal / Newsletter and are enrolled on our E-News list in order to receive timely announcements of special events and activities related to our work, as well as news that involves the work of William Stafford. Individual memberships are tax deductible.

Family Memberships are renewed annually and are for more than one person in a household.  Family Members receive regular editions of our Journal / Newsletter and are enrolled on our E-News list in order to receive timely announcements of special events and activities related to our work, as well as news that involves the work of William Stafford. Family Memberships are tax deductible.

Patron Memberships are renewed annually and are for individuals who wish to donate extra funds. Patron Members receive regular editions of our Journal / Newsletter and the annual Letterpress Broadside of a William Stafford poem. Patrons are also enrolled on our E-News list in order to receive timely announcements of special events and activities related to our work, as well as news that involves the work of William Stafford. Patron Memberships are tax deductible.


Lifetime Memberships are for the lifetime of the member, and  receive regular editions of our Journal / Newsletter and a  Letterpress Broadside every year. Lifetime members are also enrolled on our E-News list in order to receive timely announcements of special events and activities related to our work, as well as news that involves the work of William Stafford. Lifetime Memberships are tax deductible.

We always appreciate donations. They fuel the work we do to encourage and support new and emerging authors, poets and literary scholars. Click on the Donate tab and select from $50.00 to $1,000.00 from the "Select Amount" tab. Thanks in advance for thinking and caring about the work we continue to do in the spirit of William Stafford.